
Posts Tagged ‘graduation’

I miss this blog! I’ve baked a bunch since I last wrote, but I simply haven’t had the time to update lately. I’m going through some serious life changes, and so my to-do list is never-ending. I love making lists but I have to say, I’m a bit sick of them at this point.

At any rate, here’s a taste of what’s been keeping me away. And I promise, I’ll be back SOON!

BU Graduation (I’ve seriously no idea where the past four years went)

Vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard (On our one semi-sunny day)

Riding my handsome horse, and playing with my two baby kittens! (Aren’t they adorable?! They come home next week sometime!)

And lots of apartment searching, car searching (and learning the associated negotiating skills), and planning for the next stage of my life! Who knew it’d be so crazy?

So as you can see, life’s not so bad. It’s just really, really busy.

With love, and tons of sugar to come. Be back soon!

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